The world has lost one of the best mountain athletes we've ever seen. Ueli Steck was one of those athletes I looked up to because he was ridiculously well rounded. From sport climbing 14.a/8b+ to ultra running, speed soloing insane lines up huge mountains at blistering paces, and constantly perfecting his craft of moving in nature continued to inspire me on a daily basis.
Athletes who push their limits in the mountains are fully aware of the danger yet choose to do so because it simply is 100% of who they are. We now are left with his inspiring approach to life and choice to live it as best you can at all times. He stated once that his father told him something to the affect of whatever you choose to do in life, do it with perfection. A mode of living we should all embrace.
"You're progressing on something and that's what it's all about. You wanna keep moving, having a progress in your life."
"It’s the feeling of total control. When you are properly trained, your body works hard — but when you move, you do not suffer. That’s the feeling I am looking for."